Registration Information
The program is available to children aged 2 1/2 to 5. Spots that become available are filled in the following priority: current students, siblings of current students and then new students. The age of students is also considered. Priority will be given to older children.
Upon accepting your preschool space a one time $40 administration fee is required per child. If your child continues with the program, they are not required to re-register for the next semester or the next year.
One month’s notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of notice is required before a child is withdrawn from the school
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees are calculated on the basis of $12 per session
*As of Oct 2024 Whistle Stop Co-op Preschool has OPT-IN to the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System. Our new Base Fees will be $12 per session. Non Base fees not covered by CWELCC – toy cleaning ($45), fundraising deposit ($200), Admin fee ($40), NFS penalty ($15), Late fee ($1/min after 5min) and any fees associated with off site family outings.
Payment Options & Information
Cheques should be made payable to: THE WHISTLE STOP CO-OPERATIVE PRESCHOOL INC. and submitted to the TREASURER
E-transfers are also available, payable to
The school operates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings. The full payment depends on the number of days your child attends and the number of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the school calendar year.
There will be no reimbursement of fees if a child is sick, is on vacation or if school is canceled due to inclement weather.
Security Deposit
A security deposits are required to cover the cost of 3 toy cleans and attendance/participation in the Annual fundraiser. 3 post dated cheques for $45 are required for each toy clean (Dec, March, June) and a $200 post dated cheque for the fundraiser. If you do not attend the events your cheques will be deposited, however if you attend and participate your cheque will be returned. Parents are required to participate in the fundraising events, set up or take down the day of the event and to help out at the event. Parent participation is crucial to make this event a success.
You can add your name to our waitlist by visiting: